More Veggies Please…quickly that is

I love veggies. Love. Some of the vegetables I love the most take forever to prepare, which is a major deterrent to eating them if you are in a time crunch. Two of my favorite vegetables, especially in the fall, are squash and sweet potatoes. Both of which take about 45 minutes to cook if you are doing so in the oven. Sometimes I can plan ahead like that…but…let’s be honest, usually not. So, I’ve taken my preparation to the microwave. Yep. I’m nuking my veggies these days, and it’s surprisingly good! 
For Squash:
1. Cut the squash in half, and scoop out seeds
2. Season (I sprayed mine with spray butter and added a little bit of brown sugar and salt)
3. Completely cover the acorn squash with saran wrap
4. place in a microwave safe dish and cook for 4-6 minutes, until tender
5. Scoop out of skin, or eat straight out of it like a dish! 
For Sweet Potatoes:

1. Wash Sweet Potato
2. poke several holes in it with a fork
3. place on a paper towel on a microwave safe plate
4. microwave for 5 minutes
5. cut down the middle and scoop out sweet potato or eat straight from the skin
6. season and enjoy! (I used spray butter and a little bit of salt, you don’t need much)
I am also a big fan of the frozen steam fresh bags of veggies that you can get in the freezer section of the grocery store. It’s a great fast way to get in some good vegetables servings for the day!
I have got an AWESOME response regarding the boot camp! Thanks for the comments, FB messages, and emails. We’re looking to get things kicked off December 1st. I’ll let you know more details and information as it comes. Thanks for being so great!
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One Response to More Veggies Please…quickly that is

  1. I am way too lazy to cook them in the oven! Great ida to nuke them and your pictures made me salivate! Can’t wait to see you tonight…that is if your ankle is feeling up to it! LOVE YOU

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