Happy Thanksgiving and a new adventure

As much as this holiday terrifies me for all of my clients, I love it. I love being with family and the smells in the kitchen. I love cooking with my mom and dad. Most of all I love the opportunity it gives us to realize how blessed we are. 
Take a second and be grateful for your good health and your amazing body that keeps you going day after day! 
This morning my mom and I went to her gym for a pre-feasting workout. She went to an aerobics class and I opted to do THIS workout on the stair mill. I love going to new gyms. It’s fun to be out of the normal day to day routine that can sometimes happen when we’re in the same surroundings all the time. I really like her gym. To start there was ten stair mills. TEN. I’m sorry but the one at my gym is great and all. I love fighting people for it, or waiting for 40 minutes… but ten?…yes please. 
 On top of that each stair machine had it’s own TV. I could really get used to that.
I still am not feeling all that great, so my energy level is on the weaker side. After about 45 minutes of stairs I started to get pretty light headed and decided that falling from the top of them wouldn’t be the prettiest sight. So, I finished the rest of my workout on the elliptical. I loved watching the Thanksgiving Day parade! 
While I was working out I noticed this big screen they have in the front of all of the cardio equipment and I realized it was the class that was going on they that were projecting on screen. I was dying. Can you imagine? One time I went to a zumba class at my gym and I ended up by the window where ALL of my friends happened to be working out. Believe me I heard about it for WEEKS. But, projected on a screen? Can you imagine the public ridicule? 
 That picture is awful, but I had to get a shot of it. My mom later informed me that it is only the teachers that are on camera…but still…yikes. You better be on your “A” game all the time. As we were walking out I was helping myself to a tour of the gym and I wanted to see the spin room. It was basically amazing. JANAE YOU WOULD HAVE DIED. I had to take a picture for you. 
This picture really doesn’t do it justice. They were just finishing a class, and the lady in the pink wasn’t too stoked on my paparazzi skills, but it was awesome. This is only one section of the bikes. There was a section of them like this to my right as well. The teacher was up on this sweet platform with a big projector screen behind her. Who knows what they do with that, virtual courses maybe? I was thinking it would be great for our spin class dance parties…I am going to try and get myself to a spin class before I go home. I’ll keep you posted. Aren’t those yellow bikes sweet though??

I hope you all have an incredible Thanksgiving. Don’t forget to move a little today! Make good food choices, and laugh a LOT. (Laughing burns calories!!) Be grateful for all that you have, and be especially grateful for your good health and amazing body!

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