Breakfast of Champions

I love my cereal. You know that. I also love my oatmeal.
In my pre-no artificial sweetener days I was pretty easy to please with some slow cooked oats, skim milk, and splenda. Simple.

Now that the splenda is off the table, figuratively & literally, I knew I needed to dress up my oats a little and some plain skim milk just wasn’t going to cut it. After a little playing around I feel really good about my current breakfast situation. I in fact, crave it.

Banana Bread Oatmeal
– 1/2 cup slow cooked oats
– 1 cup water
cook this in the microwave for 3-4 minutes, or until fluffy and almost overflowing in the bowl.

add to the oats:
– 1/2 mashed up banana
– 1 TBS honey
– 1 TBS peanut butter
– 2 to 3 tsp cinnamon

Stir until combined. It is SO so tasty. It might actually make you like oatmeal.

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