Healthy Summer Fruit Salad

You know what is good in the hot heat? Fresh fruit.
If you’re looking for a sweet treat that won’t make you feel guilty try this delicious recipe out.

Yogurt Glazed Fruit Salad

Cut up the desired amount of the following:
(etc. etc. etc. obviously there is a lot of room for creativity here.)

Place in a small bowl and cover with one 8 oz container of Yoplait Light Raspberry or Strawberry yogurt.
Stir until fully coated.
Cover and chill until serving.

Yes. Easiest thing ever, and OH so delish!

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3 Responses to Healthy Summer Fruit Salad

  1. Merediths says:

    Okay my all knowing and wise trainer- I am thinking about ‘cleanses’. I’ve heard of so many different ways to do a body cleanse. My questions are as follows: have you ever done one? Is it a good way to give me a kick start to REALLY sticking to this healthy eating thing? Are they good for you? What is the the best one… Thoughts please. 🙂

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  3. Tina says:

    Yum, I am adding that to my breakfast menu for next week. I usually eat that same thing, except in smoothie form. Yours looks more filling.

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