I need some lab rats.

I have been in a state of stuck-ness, if you will. We all get there. Plateau’s, bored streaks, you know what I mean. I have been really looking into some ways to kick things into gear and change up my normal routine.

In my studying I’ve created a new program that I’d like to have a few people try. I want people who are willing to work hard, these workouts are tough. I’ll send you the workouts via email and then you can ask any questions you might have about what things are, how to do them etc.
My sister Nichole, Benita, and I have all gone through the first day of the workout today, and I think we are all in unison that it’s pretty tough. It’s fun, different, and will mix up your routine. A lot of it can be modified to be done at home if needed.
Leave me a comment with your email, or email me at megolina21@gmail.com if you are interested and I can give you more details.
THX! xoxoxo megs
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11 Responses to I need some lab rats.

  1. ally says:

    hey megs! i’ll be your lab rat! allysonbateman@gmail.com

  2. ME ME ME!!! janaenicole_426@hotmail.com. Okay seriously this just made my day! I feel like i am so bored doing the same thing every day!

  3. Benita says:

    this workout is seriously amazing. i am so excited about it (even if i couldn’t finish the first one completely…don’t judge) By the end I am going to be a pro! Thanks for pushing me midge!!!!

  4. Dink says:

    I would like to try them and I have a friend that I work out with that would as well. My email is dareth.h@gamil.com

  5. I’m interested. I think I need more info about the equipment needed and how much time it would take. I’m limited with both. But email me leisamonahan@gmail.com.

  6. Jackie says:

    I would also love more info about it. time, equipment, etc.

    jackie.wins at gmail dot com

  7. Chelsers!!! says:

    I’d love to try it! My e-mail is chelsa09@hotmail.com. Thanks!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Do you still need lab rats? I realize this is MONTHS later. I just barely found your blog. rbcca19@hotmail.com

  9. sally kate says:

    I’d love to be a lab rat for this experiment!! skshephe@yahoo.com

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