Legs and Shoulders Circut

I am SO sore today. Like not the kind of sore that you feel when you wake up and then brush off and you’re fine. The kind of sore where shopping with my sister was painful. I’m THAT sore, and you can be too.(Sounds so enticing…I know.)

I have done this legs and shoulders circuit a few times and it hasn’t failed me yet.
There are 3 separate segments each to be repeated 3 times. It goes a little something like this…
Segment #1
1 set of 15 Squats with the 50 lb bar (on your shoulders)
1 set of 12 upright rows with DB’s balancing on one foot
1 set of step ups on the bench 15 on each leg (you want some speed so you get that heart rate up)
*go through this three times
Segment #2
1 set of 15 single leg lunges on the physio ball (Stand with feet shoulder width apart in front of the physioball. Place one foot on top of ball, think shoe-laces down, and roll back into a lunge. Repeat on other side.)
1 set of 12 front raises with DB’s
1 set of 30 mountain climbers (again this is to get that heart rate up)
*go through this three times
Segment #3
1 set of 12 single leg squats with a military press with DB’s (Holding two dumbbells, balance on one leg and squat down as you come back up press the DB’s over your head and then repeat. Do each side)
1 set of 20 plyomtric lunges (elevate that heart rate)
*go through this three times

Push yourself! If you aren’t feeling these exercises add more weight, or increase the # of Reps. Those buns should be burning!! 🙂

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