Monthly Archives: February 2009

Indulgence Day Results

First of all, Happy Love day 🙂 I love Valentines Day. Such a fun day full of pinks and reds, X’s and O’s, and so much love. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been really focusing on getting to where I … Continue reading

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See Megan Run…

my apologies for the lack of posting…I’ll try to catch up this weekend. I am in Arizona visiting the fam 🙂I did however manage to get my 13 mile run in todayl gotta keep up with the training. Here’s a … Continue reading

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in answer to Marisa’s great question….I thought a post on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, aka: DOMS, was appropriate. WHAT IS IT? DOMS is a common condition that occurs 12-48 hours after exercising, usually lifting weights. This is a common occurrence … Continue reading

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Exercise of the week: Workout like a football player…or atleast sweat like one

Here is an AWESOME…and challenging workout circuit that you can do at home or at the gym. This is a GREAT way to mix up your workouts, get that heart rate up, burn fat, and tone those muscles all at … Continue reading

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