Biggest Loser Recap

For those of you who haven’t watched it yet…don’t worry. I’m not here to spoil it for you, BUT for those of you who have, what a good episode eh? The highlights for me?
-Bob goes Jillian on Silver Team member Joelle….(I say she deserved it.)
-Daniel and Jerry break my heart…what complete opposite ends of the spectrum.
-Tara (green team) wins the challenge…and then gives her phone all to Filipe. (I like her already)
-Carla (silver team) dancing her lbs away at home…see you just have to find something you enjoy! 😉

As I have mentioned before these individuals are in a very controlled environment, which is very conducive to their massive amounts of lbs lost. Not all of us have that luxury, but I think there are definite lessons learned we can take away from every episode. For the lesson from last nights episode I turn to Joelle.
Scenario: Bob getting on Joelle’s case for not completing the 30 second sprint he was having the whole team doing. Joelle stopping at 20 seconds every time and repeatedly saying she “couldn’t” and giving excuses for not finishing. This happened probably 5 times before Bob went CRAZY. He was not amused. In fact he insisted (with a few choice, bleeped out words) that she could in fact do it, and she would. So, they did it again, and fancy that…she did it.
The Lesson: PUSH YOURSELVES. Just because you haven’t done it before, or you think it’s hard doesn’t meant that you can’t do it. More than likely it means that your scared. So, again I say, Push yourselves. You’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish, and what you WILL most certainly accomplish if you go about exercising with an “I CAN” attitude.

Also… Host Alison Sweeney had her baby girl, Megan Hope Sanov, on Monday, January 12th.
congrats to Ali…love the name choice. 😉

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2 Responses to Biggest Loser Recap

  1. Oh gosh, Bob was freaking out! I love it, minus the swear words a million times! I feel like the people on the show this season are just sincere and it is about getting healthier, not so much the about the prize. Unlike last season (aka Vicki!!)

  2. Benita says:

    i love this show. love love love. i think tuesday is my favorite tv night. i agree with karrissa.. also i feel like they are best friends and its hard to be separating between the teams cause they are all bff’s.

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