May 31st World No-Tobacco Day

Today is No-Tobacco Day!
All the reasons why you should quit smoking or continue not to do so…

  1. Your Heart – Smoking is a major risk factor for heart disease, the number one killer of men and women in the United States.
  2. Your Looks – Smoking causes facial wrinkles and dull, dry hair.
  3. Your Lungs – Smoking causes nearly 90 percent of all lung cancers.
  4. Your Reproductive Health – Smoking affects fertility and may be a factor in early menopause.
  5. Your Kids – Secondhand smoke causes children to develop bronchitis and pneumonia. Parents who smoke are poor role models for healthy living.
  6. Your Throat – Smoking, especially paired with heavy alcohol use, raises the risk of mouth and throat cancers.
  7. Your Love Life – Smoking is a habit that turns off many potential partners. It can also cause erectile dysfunction.
  8. Your Stomach, Bladder and Pancreas – Smoking raises the risk of cancer in these organs, especially combined with heavy alcohol use.
  9. Your Pocketbook – On average, a pack of cigarettes costs about $4. It’s a very expensive habit.
  10. Your Smile – Over time, smoking turns teeth yellow and may lead to gum disease and tooth decay.

Have a great World No-Tobacco Day!!

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One Response to May 31st World No-Tobacco Day

  1. Zac & Liz says:

    Darn, i better quit soon! Just kidding. Thanks for the No Tobacco Day reminder 🙂

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