An Unintentional Leg Day

I went to the gym this morning with the plan to focus more on upper body. My workout yesterday consisted of a sprint and squat combo, elliptical intervals, and about twenty minutes of core training…as well as my barre method class last night. I went to bed with a burning sensation in my legs. However…when I went to workout this morning the stair climber was beckoning to me, and so I gave in. Turns out my workout went full body on me today. workout4.11.13I felt worked, but great when I was done! A few notes on some of the exercises…

  • Walkout Pushups:  Start from standing, keep your legs straight and reach for the floor, walking yourself out to a plank pushup position. Do a full pushup and walk your arms back to your feet, keeping your legs as straight as you can. Stand up and tuck your glutes under tight. This will stretch and strengthen your hamstring, work your core, and your upper body as well.
  • Elongated Step ups: You perform these as you would regular step ups, holding dumbbells in both hands. However, start about two steps further back than you would with normal step ups. You want your stride to be really long, forcing you to work your hammy’s and glutes even more as you step up. While on top of the bench bring your knee to your chest to work your abs as well. Step all the way back down, reaching back to your long stride, with both feet.

Like I said, lots of legwork today. Bring on swimsuit season! Don’t forget to enter the Shabby Apple $50 Giftcard Giveaway if you haven’t already!

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