Banana Crumb Muffins…The Remix

I love looking at food blogs/recipes/cookbooks etc. While looking at today I decided I want to see what their top rated/reviewed recipe was. I thought it might be a main dish, but it was these delicious looking Banana Crumb Muffins. The recipe looked verrrry yummy. My eye quickly went to the nutrition facts, and I saw that each muffin contained 263 calories and 8 grams of fat. I knew I could do better than that…and I did.

MY Health-i-fied Banana Crumb Muffins

1 1/2 cups wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 bananas, mashed
1/4 cup white sugar
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
2 egg whites
1/2 cup fat free vanilla yogurt
1 vanilla pudding mix (fat free sugar free)

Streusel Topping: 
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1 tablespoon wheat flour
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  
In a large bowl, mix together 1 1/2 cups flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. In another bowl, beat together bananas, sugars, egg whites, and yogurt. Once mixed add pudding mix. Stir the banana mixture into the flour mixture just until moistened. Spoon batter into muffin tins sprayed with non-stick spray or lined with liners.
 In another small bowl, mix together brown sugar, 2 tablespoons flour, and cinnamon. Sprinkle topping over muffins. 
Bake for 16-18 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into center of a muffin comes out clean. 

They turned out SO GOOD. If I do say so myself. 
The Stats…

The smell of baking banana bread-ish foods always makes the kitchen smell so good. Today I was reminded of the days growing up that I would come walking into the kitchen from a long day at school, or a busy night of dance practice and my mom had something tasty cooking in the kitchen. 

My mom is an excellent cook, and she always let me bake along side her growing up. Her patience and willingness to teach me instilled in me the love that I have for cooking today. Despite our conflicting busy schedules, my mom always made an effort to have home cooked dinners around the table for my family, and I am so appreciative of that. 

Dinner time to so many today has been nixed for convenience. Home cooked meals have been replaced by a trip through the drive through, and the dinner table by laps and car seats in the car. With these replacements we’ve lost nutrients, proper portions, and most importantly quality family time. Of course there are times that life is just busy, and all feeding the family in any form possible is work enough, but imagine the difference we’d see in the health of Americans today if more people would take the time to cook a healthy meal at home instead of devouring deep fried potatoes and sugary sodas at every meal. 

I now realize the time and effort it takes to prepare healthy meals, as well as the importance of doing so. Good health comes to those who make it a priority in their lives. 

Did you come from a family that ate together? Were your meals healthy? I didn’t realize until now home much my parents health habits have been instilled in me. Do you take the time to cook healthy meals for you or your family? It really is a lot of effort, but it is something that is so worth taking the time for.

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15 Responses to Banana Crumb Muffins…The Remix

  1. oatsandspice says:

    Those look even better than the muffins they sell at Starbuck – nice work girly!

  2. Rene says:

    We usually ate in front of the tv growing up. With my own family we eat meals at the table about 5 times a week. I’m working on making them healthier but even when they are comfort type foods they are usually less processed than drive-thru. The time put in is well worth the reward. My 15 yr old even comments on how she likes the whole family coming together.

  3. Jenn & Kev says:

    Oh I couldnt agree more! My mom always had dinner on the table, every night! I will absolutely make this a priority when I have a family! I would much rather stay home and cook healthy meals…Your family sounds so great!

    I also love food blog, even more, the food network! I just cant seem to find the time to bake all the yummy treats I see!

    I love that you always make them healthier!
    Your amazing girl!

  4. Edible Art says:

    sounds so yummy with a cup of cold milk in the morning, mMmM!
    and i love the “Nutritional Facts” you post for all of your recipes , very nice .

  5. I have a bunch of bananas I need to use up in the next few days so this is getting added to my meal plan! Thanks so much! I adore your blog and just became your newest follower!


  6. Jody, RD says:

    Awesome recipe re-do… a recipe after my own heart!!!

    Yes I came from a family that ate together and ate healthfully. I don’t think I ever realized how lucky and unusual that was until I went away to college.

    Now that I have my own family we eat pretty much all of our meals at home together. We usually only go out to eat 2 or 3 times a month.

  7. HOLY YUM! I can’t wait to try these!

    My family ate together when I was very young, but parents’s work schedules and moving and divorcing made group meals tough… My mom is an AMAZING cook, but usually doesn’t prepare healthy food…

  8. oh, those look delish and sound better than the original!

    growing up i always had dinner at the table w/ my family, no tv or anything for distraction. we didn’t answer the phone either! it was all about family time. And i think our food was pretty healthy, and had to be since my dad had crohn’s and we couldn’t eat junk or fast food because he couldnt!

  9. Karen R says:

    They look so good! Yes, we ate together as a family every night. My mom made generally healthy meals, and always incorporated lots of veggies. I was so lucky to have the family I did!

    So I have resolved for my little guy and I to eat our dinners together as well 🙂

  10. Mara... says:

    I am trying these for sure, they look fantastic!!! I also have your banana pb chocolate chip muffins on my to-bake list. Not enough time to bake!

    I came from a family that rarely ate out. We ate dinner at home every night. My mom was a great cook and baker. Even on the nights when my brother and I were in high school and ‘going out’, my parents made us sit down to dinner. We do the same thing in our house today. We rarely eat out and we never eat fast food. Not like i’m judging or anything, but it’s not something that I am willing to spend my money on or feed my kids. Now cupcakes…that’s a different story. 🙂

  11. Kelsey says:

    OMG those look SO GOOD! Thanks for the recipe.

  12. i love crumbs so the fact that it’s in the title of the recipe makes my heart sing.

  13. Megan! I love this recipe! I can tell just by looking at it!I have some bananas that are turning too ripe! I am going to see if I can muster the energy to make them today! Love you! You are awesome!

  14. Jilly Bean says:

    I just made these and they are delicious! Quite possibly the best banana muffin I’ve had in a LONG time. (my roommate makes banana bread about once a week… so I’ve tried a LOT of different recipes). Congrats on the great recipe makeover.

  15. I made your muffins and tweaked them a little since I didn’t have the pudding. I threw in some flax seed and added an extra banana too. I really, really loved these and will definitely be making them often! Thanks so much! I also shared the recipe and a link to your blog on my site today –


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